If you’ve ever found yourself caught in the vicious cycle of perfectionism and depression, you are not alone. My articleĀ Depression and Your Messy HouseĀ is the most read article on this blog in the past year. I’ve openly discussedĀ my ongoing battle with perfectionism, but the truth is I’ve also had a lifelong battle with depression. It […]
Search Results for: depression
Depression and Your Messy House
In a few-ish days, I’m going to be announcing all the details for the 5th Annual Declutter Challenge. As I prepare the materials for the challenge, I’ve got clutter and mess on my brain. I’m not a psychologist or a trained counselor, but I’ve had a lot of hands-on experience working with my organizing clients. […]
Some Casualties Are Okay.
(Originally published 2/12/14. The baby in this story is about to turn 12!) — Have you ever seen a baby, with his hands full of sippy cups and stuffed animals, try to pick up something else without letting anything go? I get to watch this scene unfold several times a day with my 12-month-old. It […]
The Promises We Make to Ourselves
The promises we make to ourselves are among the most important promises to keep. But somehow, they’re the easiest to break. The declutter challenge always makes me ponder personal growth in a deep way. My favorite aspect of organizing has always been the mental side. What trauma or baggage are we showing up with as […]
Super ADHD
I have a bit of a confession to make. I have ADHD. Like many others, I used to think ADHD was over-diagnosed and just a label adults gave children to explain normal child behavior. Like, isn’t it normal for a little boy to be squirmy and active? And, aren’t our cell phones and 7 seconds […]
Say the Obvious. A lot. (Parenting Teens)
I’m not going to pretend that I’m an expert at parenting teens, but I’m certainly in the thick of it. Right now I’ve got three teenage daughters. I also work with teens at church, so helping teens is on my mind daily. I’ve been so worried about my teens during the last couple years of […]
My One Word for 2022
I’ve been doing a one word goal for a few years now. I still have regular goals that aren’t bound by the New Year’s holiday, but I don’t think I’ll ever make a traditional New Year’s goal again. There’s something so beautiful and cathartic about reflecting on last year’s word and then shifting my focus […]
Good Enough for a Recovering Perfectionist
A little over 3 years ago, I wrote about The Vicious Cycle of Perfectionism and Depression. I didn’t come from the place of a professional counselor or therapist, I just shared the pattern I’d noticed after years of experiencing it myself. The main image from the original blog post, posted again above, has sort of […]
The Top 10: Declutter Inspiration
I write a lot about decluttering. Like, a lot a lot. If you want to browse everything, do that here, but maybe you have limited time and you just want to read the best of the best. I will say, it was very hard to reduce down my favorites to only 10, because there’s some […]
My Intention for 2020 (aka: my new “word” of the year)
Last year, the intention I set for my New Year’s “goal” was very fancy, very high bar, and definitely something you’d expect from a professional organizer who should take goals very seriously. 2019: Get Dressed I’d like to report that I definitely got myself dressed and ready for the day way more than the year […]