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I first heard about the Little Green Machine after my mom visited my brother and his family. She came back raving “they have this little carpet cleaner that is amazing. You need to ask Jenny where she got it and get one too.”
Greg and Jenny have a little poodle who makes the kinds of messes you’d guess. And they also have four kids, who also make the kinds of messes you’d guess. Their carpets always look so clean to me, so I was definitely interested in knowing what they use.
Then, a whole bunch of stuff happened all within a few days, and I decided I needed this thing.
Event 1: We were eating Sunday dinner in our dining room which has upholstered chairs and a rug underneath the table. It had been so long since we had a drink spill during dinner, that I didn’t think anything of the kids having fruit punch with our meal. Ooops. Just picture Fruit Punch everywhere. We were able to save the carpet with a lot of effort, but one of the chairs was a goner.
Event 2: On the way home from the vet, Cookie was not feeling well and made a terrible smelling mess in the car. I could still smell it even after I cleaned it up with my usual cleaners and rags. (And my car was still only a few months old! 😩)
Event 3: The dog, still not feeling her best, threw up on my carpet at home several times in one day.

A few vomits into Event 3 and I started searching for a Little Green Machine of my own. I couldn’t find one on Amazon that looked like what my brother used, but I did find it at Walmart.
This is the exact Little Green Machine I ordered. (And I actually got two at the time, because my mom told me to go ahead and get one for her too while I was getting mine.)
Unfortunately I needed to put the Little Green Machine to use right away. Or was it fortunate, because I had it? One of my kids got sick on my expensive living room carpet. The LGM took care of it like it was nothing!
I also went back and touched up all the recent spots from the aforementioned events.

The Little Green Machine is a tiny spot-cleaning carpet cleaner. You would NOT use it on an entire floor, because it would take forever, but it is perfect for handling spills and spots as they pop up.
Quick Use Summary: It starts vacuuming up liquid mess as soon as you turn the power on, and then you just press the trigger to spray the cleaning+water mixture on the mess. One side of the unit is the cleaning solution and the other side is where the used water and mess got sucked into. You rinse the “dirty” side after each use, but you can leave the rest of the cleaning mixture in the other side until next time. The Little Green Machine is always ready to be used!

It is SO EASY TO USE!!! I can not emphasize this enough. This little green machine is convenient because it is so easy to use.
Because of how much I’ve used and appreciated this, I’ve selected The Little Green Machine as one of my Cleaning Champions! If you have kids or pets or make your own messes, I can’t recommend the Little Green Machine enough!
From my home to yours,

Thank you Mary!
Once again I do believe you are hanging out at my house and knowing what I need 🙂
Definitely going to check this out.
Thanks again <3
You are such a support to me and this blog – I’m so glad I could return the favor!
I love this thing! I’m on my second machine, and it’s wonderful with pets and grandkids
I love it too. We use it a couple times each week!