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My little man loves Doritos so much. He dressed as a giant bag of Doritos for Halloween last fall. He has an amazing sense of humor, so last fall when one of his classmates said “you eat Doritos so much that you’re going to turn into a Dorito.” He thought that was hilarious and he really was not offended – kids say lots of weird things to each other. He came home telling me about what the kid said and how he wanted to be Doritos for Halloween to make his friend laugh. So fast forward to Valentine’s Day… there was really only one thing he wanted to give his classmates during the Valentine exchange: Doritos. Oh, this kid.
I knew I could make this happen, but I didn’t immediately know how I was going to attach a valentine. I brainstormed different ways of attaching a valentine to a bag of Doritos and decided against each of these –
- Hole punch and attach with a ribbon: didn’t want to puncture the bag for many reasons, so this idea was out
- Tie a ribbon with the valentine around the bag: don’t want to squeeze and scrunch the chips in the bag, plus I pictured the ribbon sliding off
- Hot glue: I didn’t experiment, but I was worried about the hot glue popping off off the shiny bag or having to press the hot glue on hard enough that it might crunch the chips
- Adhesive glue tabs: this idea probably would probably have worked BUT it made me think of the idea I ended up using…

A big sticker label!!! I realized that the 2×4 sticker label would fit perfectly on the bag of chips and would be so easy to fill out and stick on, plus I already had some.
These were the kinds of labels I used (pack of 100 for less than $5), but other brands will work. While the brand of labels does not matter, your off-brand labels should say “compatible with Avery 5163, 8163, or 18163.”

Download the Doritos Valentine Printable here.
I printed these while he was at school and tried making some samples (so that is my hand-writing in all of these blog pictures – not my 9 year olds! Just in case you were wondering. š) When he got home, I sat him down and he knocked out writing out 22 Valentines in about 10 minutes. That was the fastest filling out valentines has ever gone – it was amazing!!
Also, he helped me write the poem. I suggested something using the “roses are red” format and he thought of saying “Nacho Doritos are Red, Ranch Doritos are Blue.” Of course I thought that was a brilliant idea that really made this valentine poem so good, I wish I could claim credit, but the credit goes to this smart guy right here.

I love this boy so much! It’s hard to imagine in a few years he’ll be out of elementary school and making valentines won’t be something I’m doing every year. That will be so strange since it feels like I’ve been helping kids with class valentines my whole life, but I guess it’s only been 11 years …
And I’m a big stickler for making the kids fill out their own valentine. I know this is torture for some families, but I think all these experiences are a chance to learn something, so I’m all for the kids participating in some way.
(Also, hallelujah, he loves his Valentine box from last year and wants to re-use it. Woohoo!!!!)
If you’re looking for a quick and cute Valentine, I suggest using this one. It’s so fun!
From my home to yours,
Side note: I can’t speak for all gluten-allergy people, but my little man has not had any negative reactions to ranch or nacho Doritos. Thank goodness! Some Doritos flavors list wheat as an ingredient, so we obviously skip those. So much of the fun snack or convenience foods we can have with our gluten allergies are soooo expensive. It’s nice to have a few “regular” convenience snacks we can use.

Great idea for my big kid at heart too.
Thanks! I hope your big kid loves it!