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You know that beautiful new minivan I showed you earlier this month. Well, I didn’t mention something. When the van was still very brand new feeling (less than 2 weeks old), someone smashed in a corner while it was in a parking lot. They left the scene – a total hit and run.
Matt and I usually back into a space when we can, especially if it is a place where children may be walking around when it is time to leave, like at church. We assume someone hit the front corner of our van while they were backing out of their spot. I hate that it was in the church parking lot, but I try to remember that church is a hospital for sinners needing help (including me) and not a sanctuary for perfect people.
Now that I’ve experienced a Hit & Run, I know firsthand how violating it feels. It happened to a friend of mine less than a month later! Ugh.
This little “bump” was a $1500 fix. Ugh. Thank goodness for insurance, we only had to pay our co-pay, but that was painful enough. And 3 weeks after having a new car, I have to leave my car in the shop for a week to be repaired. Now I’m just sounding whiny. Really, I’m grateful for insurance and grateful the repair went well … it really could have been worse. No one was injured, and that is a huge blessing.
Have you ever experienced a Hit & Run? I hope not, but let me know your story if you have.
From my home to yours,
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