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Organizing your space is a 3-step process. Just how simple it is depends on the size of the space, the amount of stuff you’re trying to keep, and your commitment to the process. Go ahead and give it a try!
Step 1 – Purge
To start, remove the excess. Narrow things down to what belongs in the space.
Divide into three categories: Trash, Donate, & Relocate.
Questions to ask yourself during a purge: Would this be of use to anyone? (trash) Do I use this anymore? (donate/sell) Does this belong somewhere else in my house? (re-locate) Do I still love this or have my tastes changed? (decorative or whimsical items) How and when will I use this? (could be keepers)
Step 2 – Sort
Keep like items together
Organized people organize because they are too lazy to search for stuff. Okay, that may not be the only reason. Always know where things are by grouping similar items together. Make a plan that includes where groups of things should be stored throughout your entire household, not just one isolated room. Then go room by room, following these steps, to make it happen.
Step 3 – Place
Give everything a place
A place for everything and everything in its place. Want to know how to clean up your home really fast? Already know where things go, so you don’t have to decide where something goes every time you clean up.
When deciding where things go, think about how you flow through your house. Keep things near where you use them if possible.
I know that organizing a space can feeeeeel way more intense, but usually it is because we are over-complicating the process. Get three brown grocery sacks, put on three labels (trash/donate/re-locate), and then walk over to that closet that is so chaotic you don’t know what to do. Just practice step 1, purging, again and again, then the other steps will come. You can do it!
From my home to yours,
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