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I announced we were getting a Golden Doodle Puppy last fall. You’ve seen her in blog posts and emails since then, but I thought it was time for an official update on life with our Golden Doodle Puppy. We got Cookie when she was 8 weeks, and she is already 5 months old!

If I’m being honest, what I mostly wanted in a dog was for them to love me most. The dog my family had when I was a kid did not like me at all, she really only liked my mom. Well, I guess dogs are prone to love the ones who feed them, because this dog loves me best!

We had kind of a rough start, though. I’ve never been a dog parent before, so I wasn’t prepared for the difficulty of the first few weeks. She didn’t like her crate at first, climbed out of her dog pen, went to the bathroom all over the house, ruined a bunch of shoes, and bit everyone. She never seemed to want to sleep at the same time as me. She’d sleep while I did chores, cooked, or worked, and when I was ready to sit down and snuggle … she wanted to play. And because she didn’t have all her shots, we couldn’t take her on walks or puppy playdates to use up her energy. I now realize this is all very NORMAL for a new puppy, but I didn’t see it coming and I was soooo exhausted and suffering with a pretty rough case of depression (better than it had been, but still rough). I wondered many times if we had made a mistake – I mean, why had we purposely added this extra chaos, why would we choose this?!

Slowly, though, we started to figure things out. We’ve had several small milestones that altogether have made such a big difference: we found the right amount and times to feed her, she learned lots of commands, she started sleeping in the crate at night, she is house-trained, we started walks, she learned fetch, she figured out how to rest at the same time as me, and I take breaks from work and chores to play with her throughout the day.

Cookie and I are in a really good place. I take her with me everywhere I go if she is allowed. I’m always googling “are dogs allowed in ____.” She is my little BFF. I don’t think my feet will ever be cold again, because she is always curled up sleeping on them if I’m in one place long enough for her to get comfy! It is relaxing to play with her now that she can play fetch, follow basic commands, and go for walks.

Oh yeah, and after she was groomed, she could finally fully see. She was so hyper after her first haircut. I imagined her saying “I can see, I can see!” while she zoomed around the house. She handled the 2nd grooming like a champ. And yes, she has been groomed twice already … that’s a golden doodle for you, so much hair (but at least it doesn’t shed)!

She still has her moments, though, when she reminds me she is still a puppy. There were bad thunderstorms here in Texas today and she was acting so bizarre, like she suddenly forgot everything she ever learned. I know we’ll get through this, though!

She is getting so big, we are having to put a rush on teaching her to stop jumping up to the counters because she can already reach things on the edges! She’s supposed to be a “mini,” but she has us guessing on what size she’ll end up!

I really, really love this baby doggy!!! I hope you enjoyed an update about her as much as I enjoyed writing this and putting together the pictures.
From my home to yours,

Cookie is adorable
Thank you!
Thank you for sharing. Cookie is such a cutie! It’s obvious your kids love her too. Enjoy all the great times you’ll have with her.
Thank you! She is really the perfect dog for us!