When I started this blog 11.5 years ago, I shared a lot about my little kids at that time. My youngest wasn’t even born yet and my life was absorbed in being a mother of young children. As my kids have grown, I’ve seen the need for their privacy, so I stopped sharing 99% of […]
Announcing the Fall Declutter Challenge (9 Weeks!)
It has been years since I’ve had a declutter challenge in the fall. Ironically, though, the first declutter challenge was also in the fall. My youngest (now almost 11) was a baby and finally on a regular schedule. I was finally mentally ready to tackle my house. I was either going to fix the mess […]
Summer Challenge – 10 weeks to Declutter, Clean, Organize, & Decorate!
I’m so excited to announce a new challenge starting this summer! It will begin next Monday on June 5th! For 10 weeks, we will focus on a different area of the home each week. You will get to choose to declutter, clean, organize, or decorate – whatever you feel inspired to do! I want to […]
Decluttering Can Save You Money … here’s some of the ways
This week I had a great little conversation with a reader in the comment section (Hi Rose!) and it made me want to write this post to share with everyone. Here is her initial comment that started our chat – “I really love your posts. Lots of tried-and-true wisdom, and well-written! I always loved to […]
Working the challenge into your life. {Time Management Tips}
This advice does not apply to you if you feel footloose and fancy free with a bunch of extra time on your hands. This advice is for you if your plate is full and you’re not sure how to find the time to do just one more thing, even if that one thing is important […]
Orange-Cranberry Scones {Gluten Free}
As the mom of four kids who are very allergic to gluten, I try so hard to recreate “normal” foods for them. Scones have always been one of my favorite baked goods. If I’m at a bakery and could choose any baked good in the case, I’m going to pick a scone 95% of the […]
One Word for 2023: Focus
In 2019, I changed my approach to New Year’s goal setting. I’m a person who will start fresh with a new goal on a Wednesday in the middle of the month in the middle of the year, so creating a list of specific goals at the New Year seems redundant. I always have an ongoing […]
Using an Editable PDF Calendar (or other Editable PDFs)
Subscribers to my newsletter have access to a FREE *Editable* PDF Calendar that I create each year. If you’re new to editable pdfs, I want to explain a few things that you might find helpful. Join the newsletter anytime to receive the FREE Editable PDF. (If you’d like the calendar with the Declutter Tasks built […]