I love a To Do List as much as anyone. Lists in general are one of my favorite things. Sometimes I’ll just make a list for fun, and sometimes I’ll do a cathartic brainstorm of all the things on my mind. Lists don’t always need to be functional, but a To Do List by nature […]
My One Word for 2022
I’ve been doing a one word goal for a few years now. I still have regular goals that aren’t bound by the New Year’s holiday, but I don’t think I’ll ever make a traditional New Year’s goal again. There’s something so beautiful and cathartic about reflecting on last year’s word and then shifting my focus […]
2022 Home Management Planner
The 2022 planners are now available in the shop! In an age where all the planners you see at the store are cute and fun, and don’t cost very much, why would you want to buy my planner? Here’s why: Shop my Home Management Planners now! There is one big change this year, though. In […]
2021 Summer Calendar & Fun List (FREE PRINTABLE)
I blame the concussion, but I totally forgot about doing the summer calendar and fun list. I’ve been doing a calendar and summer fun bucket list every year for a while. I skipped last year for obvious reasons, but this year I am so ready for some summer fun! A big thank you to all […]
Fight Back Against Schedule Stress (May is hard and that’s okay.)
If you’re not feeling Schedule Stress right now, I bet you know someone who is feeling it hard. Schedule stress is exactly what it sounds like – there is so much on your schedule that it causes extra stress. We’re not talking about just having a lot to do, I mean specifically that your schedule […]
*Multiply* Fancy Bath Salts
What I’m going to share is so simple and obvious that I almost hesitate to share. But, I’m going to press forward and share because whenever I tell any of my bath-loving friends they always reply “Oh my gosh! Why have I never thought to do that?!” I’m going to go ahead and be your […]
The Best Chocolate Muffins (gluten free)
My mom tasted these muffins a few weeks ago and said that I should not give this recipe away for free, that I should charge big bucks for this one. I’m rebelling and sharing it for free anyway! Ha! Even though my mom still has the privilege of eating gluten, she said she’d choose these […]
Compound Grief
I thought I created a new term, but then I googled it and learned it’s already an established thing: Compound Grief. I wasn’t surprised the term already exists. Grief is a feeling as old as humanity. I’m not going to quote you from the interwebs, I’m going to tell you what Compound Grief means to […]