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Last Tuesday I was at the orthodontist with one of my teens when I got a call from the elementary school nurse. My baby boy (kindergartner) had fallen and planted his forehead on the concrete. The vice-principal that happened to be near told me later that she could hear an audible thud. Ahhhh!!! I went into panic mode. I bugged the orthodontist’s staff and rushed Shelly out of there. All I could think about was being there to comfort Brian.
Luckily, Brian’s sister Izzy (my 3rd daughter) is in the 6th grade at the elementary school. They said she was such a good big sister comforting him. My eyes filled with tears the second I saw Brian and the big gash on his head. I carried him all the way to the car.
When something goes wrong and someone in our family gets hurt, we don’t want to leave them alone while we search for a bandaid. We want everything in one organized place so our focus can be on the person we love.

I have a simple way of organizing our 1st Aid Stuff. All you need is two medium 3-drawer units. I picked up the ones in the picture at Target, though I couldn’t find a link. This set from Amazon seems pretty similar.
I use the six drawers for:
- Wound Cleaning
- Bandaids
- Wraps, Gauze, & Tape
- Bug & Itch Care
- Sun Care
- 1st Aid Misc.
In case you want a peek inside each drawer…

The 1st Aid Drawers are part of the “Cleaning Closet” (that is the nickname, though it has more than cleaning stuff).

I’ve organized 1st Aid in other my other house inside of bathroom drawers, which worked great with the setup of that house. The thing is to find the setup that works best for you and your house so that when an emergency happens, you’re not wasting time searching for 1st Aid supplies. And just maybe drawers will work for you.
{And by the way – Brian is okay and there is no concussion, though the concrete burn still has some healing to do.}
From my home to yours,

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