Each school and each grade of elementary seem to have unique requests for celebrating the 100th day of school. I think dressing like your 100 years old is very common for kindergarten. Another very common request is shirts with 100 things on them. That’s what we got to do this year. Usually, for these 100th […]
Making a Texas Mum
When we moved to Texas a few years ago there was a tradition that was very new to me. At the High School Homecoming, kids wear these things called Mums. I admit, my initial thoughts weren’t exactly kind. Basically, I thought they were hideous. But then, as we live here longer and I guess since […]
Back To School Prep … hurry up!!!
When we got back from our vacation in July, I was shocked to look at the calendar and realize we were just over a month away from school starting again. It really felt like we were just starting to get into summer mode! I ignored the panic for a little while, but before I knew […]
Easy Dr. Seuss Character Costume
I love Dr. Seuss as much as any mom who loves books. I think we have 99% of his books and reading them to my kids are some of my favorite book-related memories. I even become a rapper when I read some of his books … I mean, who doesn’t read “hands hands fingers thumbs, […]
Fun Snacks to Make Kids Smile {FREE Printable}
School starts TODAY here in Texas. I’ve loved having them home for the summer and will miss them, but they are ready to get back. I wanted to make a special snack for them to take to school to make them smile. I’ve used Pop Secret and Lance crackers to make this easy and fun […]
Managing Kid’s Busy Schedules {FREE PRINTABLE}
I was just trying to simplify things for myself, but ended up simplifying things for everyone. Sometimes that’s the side effect of getting organized – we help a lot more than ourselves. A few years ago, I was losing my mind trying to keep track of when my three elementary girls had their different school […]
Kids Daily Outfit Sorter (& More Organizing)
It is August now and school starts here in 14 days. 14 days?!?! Summer mornings are all easy-breezy – waking up without an alarm and slowly easing into the day … aah. That is very different from school mornings, which are GO! GO! GO! GO! TidyLiving sent me a Back-to-Campus Bundle and I wanted to show […]
Back To School Prep Checklist {FREE PRINTABLE}
Whether you want to admit it or not, you probably need this FREE Printable if you’ve got kids heading to school this year: Back-to-School Prep Checklist. Enjoy your last days of summer instead of running around in a mad dash to get ready for school! This printable not only helps you remember the important end-of-year […]
Saving Little Johnny’s Artwork Forever {Organizing Memory Boxes}
Remember when you were growing up and your parents would sit you down to show you their schoolwork from when they were kids and you’d laugh and cry together and have the best time ever? Yeah, maybe not. Oh, and I think saving a big bin each year for each child of all their school […]
Teach Piano Lessons at Home {FREE Lesson Plan PRINTABLES}
Last year, I posted about teaching piano lessons at home. I had no idea that people would be so interested! I just thought I was sharing something helpful that a few readers might enjoy. It is my third most popular blog post of all time. I thought it was time for an updated post! It is […]