I hear a lot: I can’t keep my house clean because I have kids. While I totally get how kids are inevitably messy (mine STILL leave their socks everywhere no matter what I do about it), for me, my kids help ourĀ house stay clean. Weird, right? Let me explain. How My Kids Help KeepĀ MyĀ Our Home […]
cleaning routine
Kids Chores and Routines Checklists
You might rememberĀ me mentioning in my post about our Quarter Jar Reward System that I have some wonderfully normal children. Beautiful, smart, clever, and amazingly normal when it comes to needing reminders and help to do what they are supposed to do. For a while I felt like I needed to record my voice after […]
6 Daily Habits to Keep A Clean Home
I have 6 Daily Habits that will Keep Your Home Clean. The good thing about this list is that these aren’t hard or time consuming.Ā I have a lot of other things I want to do with my time besides clean – how about you? These habitsĀ will make the biggest difference in making your home feel […]
How To Have A Perfectly Clean House All The Time … or something like that.
I’ve already confessed to you that I didn’t know how to do my own laundry until I went to college, so you’ve probably figured out that I didn’t really know how to clean either. I always kept my own room spotless, so I kind of figured out vacuuming and dusting, but I had absolutely no […]
Household Management Checklist – The HH List
This is the Printable thatĀ is my biggest secret for keeping my home maintained year-round. Read: The Art of Maintenance Living (and NOT Playing Catch-up All.The.Time!)Ā Of course, having a handy Household Checklist doesn’t do much unless you have a plan on how to use it regularly. The plan is to make it a part of […]
Beyond Killing the Monster – Tips for Maintaining Laundry (One Laundry Basket & Specific Loads)
Considering I didn’t even know how to do my own laundry when I went to college and my husband had to teach me everything he knew about laundry when we got married, it is sometimes hilarious to me that I talk so much about laundry on the blog and have so much advice on the […]
2 Ways To Clean Windows {How To Clean With Professional Tools or Wash Properly With A Cloth}
If you have a lot of windows on your home, cleaning them can be a big chore. There is absolutely no shame in hiring a professional to come and clean your windows for you. There are many times that I hire someone to clean my windows when things get busy. I’m not a martyr – […]
Guests Coming? Quick Cleaning Strategies
On a regular basis, I think a little cleaning every day is all you need to maintain a clean enough home. (READ HERE: How To Have A Perfectly Clean House All The Time… or something like that). But still, there are those times we want the house clean all at the same time, especially if […]
Three Morning Things
A good morning routine doesn’t guarantee a good day, but it sure makes it more likely! I know there are elaborate morning routines out there, and for anyone who successfully manages a complicated sequence of morning tasks: you don’t need to read this. No need to fix what isn’t broken. Mornings aren’t my favorite. I’m […]
Organize the Laundry Room
An organized laundry room is important. I consider the laundry room to be the “command center of housekeeping”, so it makes sense for it to be in order. Of course, making it a pleasant place to be helps too! Choose carefully what you store in the laundry room. In an effort to keep “like with […]