A few days ago while I was at my desk, my five-year old was nearby at the kitchen sink. She asked if she could do the dishes. While I was writing, she put away all the dirty dishes back into drawers and cabinets … still dirty. Luckily there were not that many dishes to unload! […]
cleaning routine
Uses For A Timer!
I love my timer! It is one of my most versatile household tools. Here are the uses I’ve found for a timer: Time-out: Rule of thumb is one minute per year old. I think if you’re a mom, that is how long of a nap you should get to take … one minute per year old […]
A Washcloth A Day Keeps Bacteria Away
Stop going through paper towels like there is no tomorrow. I mean I get the draw, because some kitchen cloths are scary. S.C.A.R.Y. You usually know the scary ones by their extremely repugnant smell. That smell is bacteria growing in the dishcloth that you could potentially spread on all the surfaces of your kitchen. Do not use […]
Chore Sticks: A Child-Friendly Approach To Chores
I should stop being surprised at the excuses my children come up with for NOT doing work. – My legs are tired. – I’m feeling sweaty. – I just did chores last week. – I’d rather play Barbies. – My sister isn’t doing her chores. – If the world ended tomorrow, would cleaning my room be the last […]