De-cluttering is an emotional and personal experience. I feel so blessed that my organizing clients let me into their personal space where they share openly and honestly about their feelings and struggles letting things go. This is how I learn that there is a similarity between how many of us feel about our stuff. If […]
Super ADHD
I have a bit of a confession to make. I have ADHD. Like many others, I used to think ADHD was over-diagnosed and just a label adults gave children to explain normal child behavior. Like, isn’t it normal for a little boy to be squirmy and active? And, aren’t our cell phones and 7 seconds […]
34+ of the BEST Comedy Series
Some days are hard and today is one of those days, so I spontaneously decided to write about my favorite comedy shows instead of what I had planned to write about. On days like today, I need a good laugh. Besides enjoying some Audible books by comedians and some stand-up comedy specials, I also regularly […]
The Vicious Cycle of Perfectionism and Depression
If you’ve ever found yourself caught in the vicious cycle of perfectionism and depression, you are not alone. My article Depression and Your Messy House is the most read article on this blog in the past year. I’ve openly discussed my ongoing battle with perfectionism, but the truth is I’ve also had a lifelong battle with depression. It […]
Depression and Your Messy House
In a few-ish days, I’m going to be announcing all the details for the 5th Annual Declutter Challenge. As I prepare the materials for the challenge, I’ve got clutter and mess on my brain. I’m not a psychologist or a trained counselor, but I’ve had a lot of hands-on experience working with my organizing clients. […]
Balance Is A Myth
There is a question I get asked a lot – and I never quite know how to answer it honestly. I work really hard to keep my life and my house running smoothly, but inevitably it may still look easy from the outside looking in or it may even appear to run more perfectly than […]
What You Can Do
There are things I don’t do well, and sometimes I get so caught up focusing on those things, that I stop doing the things I can do. One of John Wooden’s best pieces of advice is “Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” Another way of saying that is “don’t let […]
Taking A Break {Remembering 3 Weeks Ago}
I’m tempted to just say “Everyone have a great fall, I’ll be taking a break for a little while,” but I wanted to say more … so I’m going to get personal here. My reason for taking a bit of a break is more than just to focus on all the new things coming. I need […]
I Will Remember The Little Things!
Today I am wearing a little string tied to my finger, because today I need to remind myself of important truths. Do the little things now, because it will just pile up if I don’t. And piling up is overwhelming. Remember to count the little things as being productive and successful when I think about […]