Last Tuesday I was at the orthodontist with one of my teens when I got a call from the elementary school nurse. My baby boy (kindergartner) had fallen and planted his forehead on the concrete. The vice-principal that happened to be near told me later that she could hear an audible thud. Ahhhh!!! I went […]
emergency prep
Water Lalapalooza #2 (Yep, Number TWO)
Last week we were in Disney World. It was a much needed break for all of us and the kids were in heaven. (There is a story behind little man not matching in this photo, but I don’t want to go into gross details like that.) The night before we left for our Magical trip, […]
Renovation: Wall Repair, Wood Floor Progress, and Tile Goes Down (Phase 2)
You can tell from the photos that some of these renovations were happening simultaneously with Phase 1Ā ā I loved that everything was happening so fast! Phase 2 involves Repairing Walls, Progress on the Wood Floor, and Tile! This was at the start of ripping up the wood floor ā take a look at that water-ruined […]
Renovation: Materials Chosen and Painting Started (Phase 1)
Remember myĀ Water Lalapalooza 2016Ā post? If you didn’t see that, I’ll summarize by saying that we had some water damage thanks to a missing washer on the hose of our washing machine. We took the list of repairs paid for by our home insurance and used the chanceĀ to add some upgrades. These were things on my […]
Water Lalapalooza 2016
I just told you earlier this week that I had lots of plans of things to get done this week, but I got a little sidetracked to say the least. I also wanted to write a blog post about choosing paint colors, because there are lots of walls around here full of paint sample blobs […]
Organize The Closet Under The Stairs {Update}
Closets underneath stairs can be awkward, no doubt! I’ve shown you how I’ve organized this closet in the past, but I’ve given it an update. I’ve replaced all of the hodge-podge shelves with uniform shelves from IKEA. I like the price of these shelves as well as the ability to find different height and different […]
Organizing First Aid Supplies (This Is What I Do)
It’s good to storeĀ things nearby where you use them, and I noticed that I was always dragging First Aid Supplies to this bathroom to clean up scrapes and bandage up the wounded. It only made sense to set up shop for First Aid Supplies right here in our half bath we call the Powder Bathroom. […]
Car Emergency Kit
We are having a great time checking things off of our summer bucket list! I wanted to show you something I created to make packing up for our little trips super easy. It lets me just focus on the unique things I need for our activity that day and not have to think through all […]
Organizing The Closet Under The Stairs
WARNING: Too many pictures!!! There is this closet underneath my stairs. It holds all of our games, puzzles, and kid art supplies. Around the corner of the back of the storage closet is where I store our 72-hour emergency kits and a little bit of our long-term emergency food storage. I wanted to organize the […]
Simple Battery Organization
My batteries have been bothering me. I had them pseudo-organized, but they were basically a jumbled mess within a container. Little Cougar and I went on a mission to find something to organize the batteries better. I went to the plastic storage bin section first, and then the kitchen storage section next, but nothing was […]