Paper Clutter is one of the biggest issues for many households. The biggest problem with paper clutter is not just the clutter, it is the missed deadlines, un-paid bills, even checks never deposited! One of the most common places people hire me to organize is the home office mostly because of paper clutter. Once you […]
file management
Saving Little Johnny’s Artwork Forever {Organizing Memory Boxes}
Remember when you were growing up and your parents would sit you down to show you their schoolwork from when they were kids and you’d laugh and cry together and have the best time ever? Yeah, maybe not. Oh, and I think saving a big bin each year for each child of all their school […]
Organize Home Office Files (Paper Management!)
Files can be tricky, but they don’t have to be. Replace your old philosophy with a new, improved way of thinking about files. Old philosophy: Create a file folder for every type of incoming bill, invoice, receipt, etc. Save everything and file away. Wait until the file cabinet gets over-stuffed and impossible to use, then purge excess. […]
Tour my Little Office Nook
Tuesday I showed you my husband’s office, which is the main office of our home, but there is another office in the house. It is so tiny, that I refer to it as “my desk”. As in when I tell my children to “go put your folder on my desk”. Before I created my studio […]
Tour the Updated Office
The office has seen many different looks in the last few years. We used to have big shelves up at the back of the room, but I stopped liking them. They just felt like dust collectors and I felt such a pressure to feel them with stuff. And really, I just wanted to get rid of […]
Home Office In Progress {Step 1: Declutter}
Last week the declutter challenge focused on our home office spaces. I took decluttering the office to the extreme. When we first moved in almost 4 years ago, I wanted shelves across the back wall to look like built-ins. That sounds really nice in theory, but in actuality, the shelves were giant dust and clutter […]
Taxes Made Easy
This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and TurboTax, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #TurboTaxACA Taxes. That can be a loaded word. First, let’s admit that there is a big elephant in the room with this year’s taxes and it’s name is the Healthcare […]
Taming the Paper Trail of Clutter (or How to Effectively Use an Inbox)
If you feel like stacks of paper are taking over your life, you are not alone. If I were to walk into your home, would I find paper filling up many of your flat surfaces? Where does the paper come from? Most of it comes from outside our homes (excepting preschoolers art work) and we […]
School’s Out Party | Summer Fun List | A Mountain of School Papers
The end of the school year conditions us parents to be very excited for summer. It just becomes so intense near the end. I was at the school almost daily for one assembly, activity, or another. At one point during the past month of school I considered going to the office and writing a check for $1,000 […]
Home Office Organization: Before Pictures
I took these before pictures in June, and took my sweet time completing this organization project. Of course, I started in the midst of morning sickness and pregnancy-onset-insomnia, so I had my reasons to go slow. Really, though, organizing our homes isn’t a race. The whole point is to start and progress, so I started […]