In past years, my one word choice feels obvious. It’s usually centered around a thought that starts to tug on my brain towards the end of the year. The thought will float into my brain while I’m driving or cooking or walking my dog. In a way, I guess you could say that in past […]
One Word for 2024: Healing
It’s New Year’s Eve, after 4:30 pm, and I’m sitting on my bed writing this post. Normally I have my word picked out a few weeks before the New Year, but this year had me down to the wire. This year has a lot of change and big events coming, so I had a lot […]
One Word for 2023: Focus
In 2019, I changed my approach to New Year’s goal setting. I’m a person who will start fresh with a new goal on a Wednesday in the middle of the month in the middle of the year, so creating a list of specific goals at the New Year seems redundant. I always have an ongoing […]
My One Word for 2022
I’ve been doing a one word goal for a few years now. I still have regular goals that aren’t bound by the New Year’s holiday, but I don’t think I’ll ever make a traditional New Year’s goal again. There’s something so beautiful and cathartic about reflecting on last year’s word and then shifting my focus […]