Last fall the middle school had a night where kids and parents went around re-enacting the kids’ school schedules. In between classes, the hallways were packed. I’m not one that will usually voluntarily be in a big crowd, so it was already awkward for me. It was then made even more awkward because of the […]
tween life
Room Cleaning Checklist (for tweens, teens, and young adults)
I was lying in bed last night trying to go to sleep, but instead I was thinking about the week ahead. My kids are home for another week of break (yay!) and I was thinking about what I want to do with them. They got frozen yogurt gift cards in their stockings and I want […]
Birthday Party Plan – Unicorns & Rainbows
My third child/ youngest daughter turned 10 last week. I threw her a Unicorns & Rainbow themed party. Whenever I put on a party for my kids, I try to put my energy where it matters most – into the memories my kids are making. Did I want to get in on a game of […]
Inspiring Bathroom Decor for Girls
Raising girls is terrifying. To all the moms out there who have it all figured out – I’m impressed. I do not think I have it all figured out. I just keep trying my hardest. I hope my efforts will help my girls always remember their worth. There was a list of things I wanted my […]
Morning & Bath Time Grooming Baskets {This Is What I Do}
I have four kids and there are two kids’ bathrooms with baths. Yes, sometimes the little guy uses MY bathroom, but he is starting to transition to using the regular kids bathroom. I’m not going to pretend like 4 kids sharing two bathrooms is very hard … I think my kids live a pretty nice […]
Organize Early Reader Novels and Novel Series
This week we are focusing in our kids spaces, so I’m going to show you a trick for keeping early reader novels from slipping, sliding, and falling all over your bookshelves. Let me tell you about one of my twin girls named Allison. If you don’t know where Allison is, she is somewhere reading. She […]