Disclosure: Any post may contain links to my shop or affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission from any purchase you make. All opinions about products I use are my own. Read the full disclosure and Privacy Policy HERE.
A few weekends ago I was in Arkansas and spontaneously made a Facebook LIVE video of the house we just left. It is terrifying to make a video in general, but a live video … I have to really throw all my inhibitions away!
If you ever saw the separate tours ofĀ that house and wondered how it all fit together, you can watch this video and check it out.
Open Link in Facebook to watch the VIDEO…
And About Amazon …
Amazon has graciously offeredĀ to sponsor Mary ORGANIZES!!! Okay, not really, but kind of … you see, bloggers everywhere (besides Arkansas) have been able to take advantage of the wonders of Amazon Affiliates for a very long time. But I could not because I lived in Arkansas and Arkansas has really weird laws about this (I don’t want to explain – google if you must)!! So for a long time I’ve been very creative in ways to earn an income for the time and money I put into making this website happen. In a way it has forced me as an entrepreneur to think outside the box, while most of my blogging counterparts could easily just join in the beautiful Amazon party.
I’m so thrilled to finally have an invitation to the party!!!
How it works … I keep blogging about the same stuff, and possibly even more interesting things, and if I happened to use a product I purchased on Amazon (which is very probable, because the brown truck makes daily stops), then I tell you about it. You can check it out, buy it or not, and then continue on with the content, which should hopefully be useful or interesting either way.
What you get:
- More FREE Content From Me to You, because I am paid for my time by Amazon.
- Links if you wanted to know where I got that organizing tool, or rug, or whateverĀ (about 500 people asked me where I got my kids shower curtain) … now I will be telling you!!!
- Honesty. I send back what I don’t like or use, so I’m not going to recommend something that doesn’t stick around here and get used and loved by me and/or my family. If I ever link to something I’ve not personally purchased and loved, I will tell you.
What I get:
- A small commission from Amazon when you make a purchase from one of my links … it’s like you pay me by buying yourself something!!! That my friends, is a win-win.
Why am I even talking about this? Because I think you deserve to know what’s happening as you start to see Amazon links pop up here and there. I respect my readers!
I hope you only notice positive changes! I hope you’ll see how this is re-invigorating my love for blogging. For some reason, this makes me feel like I can write about whatever I want again, which I know doesn’t exactly make sense, but maybe it does?? For a few years it’s been pretty strictly business on the blog with house tours, tutorials, challenges, on repeat. Now, my list of blog post ideas includes things like “showĀ the unexpected/gross things I found when we moved into the new house”. Ā Don’t you want to see that???? Ha!!
The Famous Shower Curtain!!!!
Now, for my first Amazon link, I think it is fitting for it to be the very famous shower curtain in my girls’ bathroom. I received comments here and on every social media platform, emails, Facebook messages and more. People want to know where to get this!!Ā This shower curtain is still loved by me and is already up in our new place.
See The Shower Curtain on Amazon!
There you go, a house tour, Amazon, and a shower curtain — A pretty fun box of chocolates right there.
From my home to yours,
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