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Whether you want to admit it or not, you probably need this FREE Printable if you’ve got kids heading to school this year: Back-to-School Prep Checklist. Enjoy your last days of summer instead of running around in a mad dash to get ready for school! This printable not only helps you remember the important end-of-year tasks, but it also has a great little spreadsheet for figuring out what clothes your kids need.
Even though I’m forcing myself through the steps to get ready this year, I’m not really excited for summer to end. Do you dread school starting (or are you secretly excited?)? I always feel a mixture. At the end of the school year, I’m always so excited to take a break from all the routines. Then, sometime during the summer, I start missing them again. I actually love having all my kids at home, but in some chaotic moments … I admit that the idea of school doesn’t seem that bad.
I will miss the days with nowhere to go, though, I will REALLY miss those days.
I hate crowds so much that you’ll find me buying school supplies right when they come out, or at odd times of the day when the section feels un-crowded. Same thing with clothes!! I’ve found, though, that I don’t just get to avoid crowds doing it this way, I avoid that rushed last-minute feeling. Then, near the end, I’m playing and living those last days of summer to the fullest!
Download the Back-to-School Prep Checklist.
If you need encouragement, think of the school supplies – not the stress of buying a million of them, but of the actual supplies. The school supplies in the stores always draw me in. Imagine all the fresh school supplies and freshly sharpened pencils. Crisp, clean paper. Razor-sharp crayon tips. Mechanical pencils full of lead with erasers intact. … sorry, I got lost in thought there.
I’ve already been crossing things off my list. Now it’s your turn! Winter is coming! School is coming!
From my home to yours,
That’s a great list, even if I don’t have kids at home! A working girl can use some of those ideas, too. Continuing to pray for a smooth transition for your move, new school year and family unity.
Thanks so much, Suzy! And can I blame the move for being a month behind in replying to comments?!
This is a little late. Schools started here today!
I hope your school year is going great!
I didn’t realize you were moving to Texas! Welcome! And don’t let this unbearable heat turn you off – it’ll be better by the end of September.
That is good to know! My makeup keeps melting off my face every time I leave the house! 🙂