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I’ve been doing a one word goal for a few years now. I still have regular goals that aren’t bound by the New Year’s holiday, but I don’t think I’ll ever make a traditional New Year’s goal again. There’s something so beautiful and cathartic about reflecting on last year’s word and then shifting my focus to the new word. I take the feeling of all those unnamed yearnings in my life and give it a label. And when I think of this label, this word, all the deeper meaning and intentions are invoked with it.
My word for 2021 has been Growth. As trials and challenges came this year, and boy did they, I let them stretch me and mold me. I was determined to grow, not shrink.
As I pushed myself a little further into places I needed to go but didn’t want to go, I’d think “it’s time to grow.” The word Growth cheered me and pushed me on all year.
Goals shouldn’t be sticks we beat ourselves with, they should inspire us, help us.
In 2019, as I was pondering my word, I was in a deep depression and trying to claw myself out. My word that year was actually a phrase, but I count it anyway. It was Get Dressed. Get Dressed. So basic, so simple, but I knew that if I could get up and get dressed each day, it would help. Just saying a word doesn’t make it happen, and at the beginning I wasn’t good at it yet. It was an important baby step to recovery for me.
In 2020, my word was Rest. A few months into the year and everything shut down, school and activities were cancelled. I rested.
I’ve spent time in this last month, contemplating my new focus so much that focus was almost the word I chose. Finally, though, I found my word: intentional.
What will I be intentional about?
- What I do with my time,
- Who I spend my time with,
- My words and thoughts,
- My energy, money, resources – I want to be very intentional with how I use myself up.
And yes, I used a garden as a backdrop for my word because a gardener is a great metaphor for being intentional. A good gardener is a master planner, nurtures, knows what to prune and take out, and knows what to add in.
I’d love to hear your word and why, if you’d like to share.
From my home to yours,

I love your word INTENTIONAL. Just yesterday, I chose my word for 2022 and it was FOCUS which is quite similar to INTENTIONAL! I have felt so scattered this past year with so many responsibilities and things to do. I guess I need to be both focused and intentional!!! I feel you encouraging me to carry on!!! Thank you for all you do to help us out here around the world! You are making a difference!!!
Focus was my backup choice and yes, so similar! And thank you for your kind words, really … thank you.
Hi Mary, it’s so nice to “see” you back!
My word this year is Active.
First, the obvious, be physically active. I want to be able to keep up with my kid better, improve my health, and support my husband in his health journey.
Second, be mentally active. I’m a stay at home mom and after 4 years of spending almost all of my time with a small, speech delayed child, my mind has gotten a bit rusty. I’m going to get back on learning spanish, attempt to read more and try to learn the piano.
And third, be active in achieving my other goals I have set.
Last year my word was intentional. It was the first year I had chosen one and I actually did return back to it a few times. I hope it will be as motivating this coming year!
Active is an awesome choice! Sounds like you are active in a lot of good things!
I have the printables from last year unfortunately didnāt complete – trying again. Have they changed?
Nope, you should be good to go!
Hi Mary,
I just want to thank you for telling this person they were good to go without having to buy another one. It was very thoughtful and why I like small businesses. A reason I hope that you continue this wonderful idea.
Thanks, Angela! š
Mary, it is so good to hear from you! I had chosen NOT to choose a Word of the Year until yesterday. The words SIMPLIFY and INTENTIONAL keep coming up. If I want to simplify things, I am going to have to be intentional about it. Thank you for writing this post. Your words are always inspiring and always come at a time when I need to hear them! Have an INTENTIONAL 2022 and keep us updated on your intentional progress!
simplify and intentional are both so good. The difference to me would be in that simplify would be a more narrow version of intentional. You’d be really focusing on what to cut out of your life and very slow to add in. That’s definitely a great word for many seasons of life when that is exactly what we should be doing!
It is funny. I had not put my goals on paper yet, but I had been thinking of them for weeks. Earlier this morning the word “Intentional” seemed to cover all that my goals are taking me to. But I wasn’t certain if I liked that word. I googled “My word for 2022” and your link was the first one that I came to! WoW!! You helped me to decide “intentional” is my word for 2022. Thank you for sharing to give me confidence in my word!
Well, sounds like you came to the right place, lol. Intentional is a great word. Best wishes for a Happy New Year full of being intentional. š
In 2020, I began the One Word focus. It was such a crazy year; I lost focus. Last year, I chose āgratitudeā as my word, but this time I kept the word visible (with a few DIY crafts). I was surprised to learn how much a simple word can guide oneās actions and thoughts. Last year was challenging both personally and professionally, but I was reminded to find gratitude. It truly made me a happier person. This year, I too have chosen to be more intentional. I look forward to taking this journey with you. Thank you!
Yes, I keep my word across from my toilet in my bathroom (probably TMI, sorry), but I see it ALL THE TIME!! It really does help.
I just want to thank you for telling this person they were good to go without having to buy another one. Thanks for sharing this article.
thanks š
Thanks for sharing your word! I chose ātenacious,ā as we have been facing and will continue to face serious challenges this year. We have a very sick child, a lawsuit, and now widespread job loss at my husbandās workplace. Yikes. Gotta keep taking it day by day. Hang on! Cheers to you!
Tenacious sounds like a great year when you worry for a rough year ahead. Prayers that your year goes smoother than you expect!!