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The Super Tidy!
I’ve been mentioning the Super Tidy all over the place, but I’ve never formally introduced the powerful, clutter and mess fighting Super Tidy.
The idea started a while ago when I started writing “tidy up for 10 minutes – put things away” on my daily planning sheet. I would write it at different times of the day and eventually started writing “10 minute tidy – work fast” as a way of reminding myself to work quickly and get my heart rate up while I tidied. Eventually I started writing “super tidy”, which seemed to capture what I really wanted to do. Now you can find “Super Tidy” written in the daily to do reminder section in the Home Management Planner.
The most powerful thing about the Super Tidy is the simplicity.Ā The Super Tidy is taking 10 minutes to zoom around the house putting things where they belong. It isn’t a big project or a big to do.
Keep it simple. Keep it 10 minutes. Set a timer. Put things where they belong.
Ways to make the Super Tidy FUN and work for you!
- Go FAST and get your heart rate up! Consider it 10 minutes of exercise!
- Don’t fast forward commercials and use the commercial time to do your super tidying during your favorite TV show!
- Make it a Bedtime Ritual with the kids! Put on fun music and set a timer, then have fun makingĀ memories while you teach your children good habits!
- Family Race! Divide the home into zones and race to finish giving each zone a Super Tidy!
- Find yourself with a little extra time while dinner bakes in the oven? (After you clean up the kitchen,) Super Tidy!
What is NOT part of a Super Tidy –Ā
- Folding Laundry
- Doing Dishes
- Cleaning that takes more than 30 seconds
- Regular daily chores that need to happen daily anyways – just focus on getting things where they need to go!
If something is sitting out because it doesn’t have a place to go – find a place for it to go!! If something doesn’t have a place in our homes, it doesn’t belong in our homes, because stuff left out is clutter. We don’t want clutter!!!
The Super Tidy is about putting things where they belong!Ā
The pile of junk by the door? Clean it up.
That mess of random stuff on your couch? Clean it up.
The pile of papers on the counter? Tidy it up. (Put it in your Inbox and make a plan to go through that inbox once a week!!!)
The clean sheets you washed and folded yesterday, that are stacked on the table? Put them away.
The coats that got piled on the ottoman instead of hung up? Hang them up.
If we are sick of putting away the same thing and we aren’t even sure why we own it anymore? Put it in the donation box in the garage.
While you are getting started with the Super Tidy, it is okay to get lost in the fun and tidy longer than 10 minutes.Ā But be careful not to over-complicate this beautiful, simple habit and make it too difficult to actually “catch hold” and become a consistent habit/routine. Sometimes our over-zealous, over-achiever tendencies to say “I’m going to do 30 minutes instead of 10” actually makes the simple thing no longer achievable. Don’t do that!
If you don’t want to live in a mess anymore, you might have to start doing things you haven’t done before. I suggest The Super Tidy. The easiest and most powerful way to keep messes and clutter cleaned up.
Keep it simple. Keep it 10 minutes. Set a timer. Put things where they belong.
You can do this!
From my home to yours,
My mom did this with us when we were kids, but called it a “blitz”…love it! And it works!
Oooh! Blitz is a cool name too! That totally conveys the “let’s get this done” message! Do you do it with your kids?
I grew up as the daughter of an amazingly talented and intelligent woman. Mom had many wonderful qualities. She was also a clutter monger and semi-professional hoarder. Holidays were hard because we always had to do a late night shovel-and-clean operation before company could come. It was exhausting.
As an adult, I am striving to overcome the habits of my childhood. It all seems fairly simple, but it isn’t easy. Mary, thank you for your blog and tips. I got your planner and have started getting a handle on my house for the first time, really, ever. My bedroom, kitchen and family room have been tidy for two weeks straight. I’m 51…and this is the FIRST time in my life I’ve had tidiness and cleanliness in four rooms at the same time for longer than two days. I have more work to do, but one room at a time, and with the help of my wonderful hubby and kids, I will get there.
Your comment actually brought tears to my eyes tonight. One reason is that you’ve made me feel so good about this work that I do. I love the hope you portray in your comment. You are changing your life and also your kids, who are watching you and learning from you. I am just so excited for you. What will your future be like with this huge house-keeping burden lifting?! How will every day be better now that you have a glimpse of what YOU CAN DO?! What else can you do that you never realized?! Seriously, good job!!!
My husband, daughter and I do a 10 Minute Scramble every night before bed. We have been doing this for years and I cannot tell you how relieved I am every single morning (still after all these years) to wake to a tidy home
I forget the name of the kid’s show but it has a clown named Loonette. She would say at the end of the show ‘who made this big mess? ‘ She would then set a timer and do the 10 second tidy. My kids loved cleaning up with her when she did this on the show.
It is interesting how changing the mindset of cleaning completely changes how we feel about it! Making it a game for kids is such a great idea.
Wow, I already did this before I read it. Love to have music on .
Music really does help!!
Hi Mary! The super tidy idea is really helping me and my family. I have four kids 6,4,2, and an11 month baby. They constantly make messe !. When and how many super tidys do you do each day and when do you think it is the most efficient time to do them?
Oh Jill, I feel your pain! I remember having ALL tiny ones and it is a very exhausting time physically and mentally! With nappers, I would do a super tidy before naps with their help, and then before dinner with their help, and then one with your husband right after the kids are in bed. The first 2 you are actually using part of the play time to teach clean-up skills, so their isn’t extra time being added onto your day. And it is okay to expect your older one to help more with cleaning up the younger ones stuff too – it is the circle of life. When the younger ones are the only ones left home one day, they will help with more garbage taking out and lawn mowing, so I figure it evens out. Some days I would take my kids out of the house after nap time and before dinner time just so the house wouldn’t get messy again before dinner – walk time, park time, anywhere but home time. Ha!! Also, it is very important to remember that decluttering is your best friend at this stage. If each of your children only has a few favorite toys, clean up is ALWAYS easy. Kids will replace the time they used to spend with the extra plastic stuff in creative ways you can’t even imagine yet … they will blow your mind!!! I was telling my husband the other night that I didn’t feel sorry for my third daughter whenever she tells me her older sisters won’t play with her and she is “bored” (I don’t give that word very much weight and have several pre-prepared speeches on the subject that make my kids’ eyes roll), I laughed remembering the things I would do to entertain myself as the only girl in my family with minimal toys and no DVR or computer or iPad. Sorry, I know I’m answering way more than your question. I just remember when my kids were still much smaller and I know it is not easy, so I really just want to tell you that it will all be okay!! š
Hi Mary! Thank you so very much for taking the time to write all that!! It was really helpful. I will try the super tidys at those times and i especially like the idea of taking the kids out of the house so they don’t mess it up! š I told my friends about your blog and they are going to check it out. I am finishing up the 91 day declutter challenge and my kids do the chore sticks you do and they are great! How do you motivate your kids to do the supertidy?
I’ve never really worried about their motivation, because I’m always there with them. I have the expectation that they help when asked and they know that … so they help. If people aren’t helping, then there are usually consequences like there would be to any kind of behavior issues – time outs, etc. If you’d like to try to entice them, you could attach something they really enjoy to the “after”. Like, “After we tidy up, we can watch an episode of __” or “After we tidy, we can walk to the park”. Just remember that you’re the mom and you’re in charge, they do not have to love everything you make them do. š