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I volunteer at my church to lead the girls in 2nd – 5th grade in an activity every other week. The girls love crafts! It isn’t a “craft group,” so we don’t always do crafts, but they love it whenever we do. I especially wanted to do something crafty for Valentines. We had our activity earlier tonight and of course, I totally forgot to take pictures at the activity!
We started the night by cutting out hearts, writing nice messages on them and taping them to the Bishop’s office door at church. We called it “Heart Attack,” but it really should have been called “Ninja Heart Attack.” The Bishop was in his office while we did it, so the girls took turns going to the door two at a time and VERY quietly taping hearts on the door. The girls had so much fun working on their ninja hearting skills. I kept hearing “this is so fun” while they worked!
It didn’t take too long for them to fill up the door with hearts. (There are 15 girls and it is only 1 door!) So, for the 2nd half of our activity, we made Valentines.
With it being a church activity, the budget isn’t huge. I was able to pull off this activity with only purchasing some Hershey Kisses. All the other supplies I had in my craft stuff. I created some printables of a heart with a Valentine poem. (You can download the printable if you’d like to try this: Front with poem Here and Back Here.)

The girls cut out the heart, hole punched the circles, then laced up with birthday ribbon. Before they laced it all the way up, we fit 15 Hershey Kisses in each heart. Some of the younger girls struggled a little getting started with some of the steps, but I was there to help. Yay for Homemade Valentines.
The girls had fun and I put on another successful activity. Win-win!
If you decide to give these a try, let me know how it goes.
From my home to yours,

Best job in the church after Primary pianist. : )
Isn’t that the truth! And I’ve had primary pianist a few times too. š