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It has been years since I’ve had a declutter challenge in the fall. Ironically, though, the first declutter challenge was also in the fall. My youngest (now almost 11) was a baby and finally on a regular schedule. I was finally mentally ready to tackle my house. I was either going to fix the mess that accumulated during that difficult pregnancy and early baby days, or I was going to lose my mind. I felt the burning desire to go through my home room-by-room and get rid of stuff until life seemed manageable again. I listed out the rooms of my house, in the order that seemed to make sense to me at the time. There were 13 spaces listed which became the 13 weeks (aka 91 days). A mother’s desperation was what started the 91 Day Declutter Challenge all those years ago. Since then, the challenge has changed in a lot of ways but also stayed the same in the most important way. The goal will always be to get rid of stuff to help our homes (and lives) feel more manageable.
I hadn’t planned to do a fall challenge this year, but I received several messages and emails, and then there were even posts in the Facebook group with several people asking “when will the fall Declutter challenge begin?” I was confused at first, because I didn’t plan a Fall Declutter Challenge. But eventually, I realized this was a sign that people needed this challenge now. Maybe a lot of people are feeling like I did 10 years ago, desperate to fix the mess. Fixing the clutter in our homes makes every day feel infinitely better.
I’ve decided to give you what you asked for and what you need! This Fall challenge will not be a full 91 Day Declutter Challenge, but 9 compact weeks that will still be enough to make a huge difference in your home! And we’ll finish before Thanksgiving – yay!

Where to Start (do now!)
First things first, we start Monday! Before Monday, do some reading to get your brain ready and print off your cheat sheet for the 9 weeks. I know that Monday is soon, but like I said, this is an impromptu challenge and I’m just excited to be able to offer it.
Important Declutter Reading
It is really important to do the work to get your BRAIN READY to let go of the clutter. If decluttering doesn’t come naturally to you, it is something you can get better at with practice (really!). You are not stuck being a “clutter-bug” for life. It’s learning a new skill and that takes education, time and practice. Click here to learn all about Decluttering. Included in the list of decluttering articles is How To Declutter. Start there if you are new to the process or need a reminder!
Declutter Printable
I’ve created a new 9 Week Declutter CHEAT SHEET printable just for the next 9 weeks. Click here to grab that. It’s only 8.99!
I’ve also put the regular 91 Day Declutter Bundle on a fantastic sale in case you’d benefit from the extra resources. Beware that the Declutter Bundle is for the 13 Week Challenge and the weeks are in a completely different order, but the information there will still be valuable!
Let’s Go!
The challenge starts Monday in the Laundry Room. I’ll be posting the contents for the coming week each Sunday and posts will only be up for a week! (So you may want to grab that printable!)
I hope you’ll join us for this fun and impromptu declutter challenge! I’m excited to see your progress and as always, watch lives change!
From my home to yours,

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