I’ve shared a printable packing list before, but it wasn’t editable. And I’m starting to think every printable should be editable, because editable pdfs are the best thing since sliced bread. You get to edit and save to your computer. You can copy and save the file several times with different names, so you can […]
Packing List for Kids
Let your kids pack for themselves on your next vacation! One of the first things I shared on my blog when I started six years ago was my Packing List for Kids because I’m a big believer in delegating, and I always have my kids pack for themselves as soon as they can. Looking at the […]
Labels for Travel Containers {FREE Printable}
I know that it is entirely possible to simply use a sharpie to mark what is inside of your travel container bottles, but sometimes, I like to do things just so it will look good. I know, I’m so shallow. I created these travel bottles, with these labels when I was headed to a blogging […]
Beach Memory Jar
We’re in that funny-feeling stage of summer that still feels VERY much like summer, but we can feel the end is soon. This is one summer that I would’ve liked to be endless. We’re in a groove, things are good, can’t we have another month?? We don’t live especially near a beach, so getting to […]
My Dad’s Very Organized Packing
Hopefully you’ve heard me tell you that I don’t believe you should have organized surfaces and messy drawers. I don’t like that it seems to indicate that we organize for what people see, because that isn’t why we organize. We organize to make our lives flow easier, and certainly things flow easier when we can […]
Car Emergency Kit
We are having a great time checking things off of our summer bucket list! I wanted to show you something I created to make packing up for our little trips super easy. It lets me just focus on the unique things I need for our activity that day and not have to think through all […]
Packing List Extraordinaire
I don’t go anywhere in forever, then BAM! A million business trips all at once! And all at the busiest time of year for kids activities and end of school year stuff. Still, these are trips I just can’t miss. But, as you imagine, I like to be prepared. Just a little bit. So I created a […]
5 Travel Tips for the Holidays
1. Bring Hostess Gifts. Nothing says “forgive my beautiful children for adding their fingerprints to every surface in your home” quite like a nice gift. This is not the gift that is your Christmas gift, this is a separate gift. Something to take the burden off of your host and hostess or to pamper them. 2. Let […]
C-Section Hospital Bag Packing List
Download the Packing List Printable. My C-section is scheduled in a few days and my hospital bags are (mostly) packed. This is not my first rodeo, so I have a good idea of what I want at the hospital with me. I know I’ll be in the hospital for up to 4 days and I […]
Travel Tips Bonus Material
As you saw on Tuesday, we just got back from a big vacation out West. So Travel is very fresh on my mind and I got a fresh update on how all of my tips were still working for me. Let’s review some of my tips on travel: Probably my favorite is the Kids Packing […]