The kitchen is the most abused room in my house. There are countless groceries going in, trash and recycling going out. Cabinets and drawers are under a constant rotation of stuff. Counters and appliances get dirty daily with use. The spaces we don’t touch and use regularly get way grosser than places ignored in other […]
Tour My {new} Pantry
This is the 3rd pantry I’ve shown on the blog over the years, because we’re in the third house since I started writing this blog more than 7 years ago. I hope this is my pantry for a very very long time. We really love it here. It looks so much like my last one, […]
Let Containers Blend In
Sometimes I am asked how to choose the right container for something. And while I love a beautifully crafted box or basket as much as any container-loving person does, I often choose functional containers that blend in to their surroundings. Let Containers Blend In Containers that blend in do not cause a lot of distraction […]
Simple Organizing Fix for Wasted Cabinet Space {Kitchen Cabinet Organizing}
I’ve been in a lot of homes (and lived in several) where the cabinet above the oven is a giant wasteland of unused potential. A simple hack will give these cabinets the feel of built-in functionality. Here is the simple fix. I use pantry racks from Amazon. They are good for holding cookie sheets, drying […]
One reader asked to see my pantry, so here it is! If you want to ask any questions, about home or organizing or life, comment below! View this week’s post about Pantry Organization. 👉 THIS is the can organizer I use. (So many people asked in the comments, I thought I’d add an easy link.) 👉 THIS […]
Organizing Spices (This Is What I Do)
There’s a million and one ways to organize spices well, but I’ll show you what works best for me. I organize my spices in my drawer. The drawer is right next to the stove top and right across from the island, which are the two places where I use spices the most. I am always close […]
The Pantry {Home Tour}
My pantry is a closet right next the kitchen. You already know how I feel about taking pictures in closets, but I still wanted to show you my pantry. I could have removed all the little extras to make the pictures really pretty, but I thought I’d show you a real pantry instead. The kind […]
Freezer & Pantry FREE Printable
In honor of the Pantry Purge Challenge that starts Friday, I’ve created some printables to help you track what you have to use. You can use expiration dates to help you prioritize what things need to be used first! Download the Freezer Inventory Printable HERE — Download the Pantry Inventory Printable HERE — I’m ready […]
Too Many Leftover Containers! & A Little Bit About Organizing Kitchen Cabinets
{See my full kitchen tour HERE.} Most of America seems to have a love-hate relationship with leftover containers – they love to buy them and hoard them, but hate finding a way of keeping them neat in their kitchen cabinets. When I asked on Facebook earlier this summer for problem areas my readers want me […]